Pharmaroad Zrt.

Clinical Trial Supply Division

…pharmaceutical wholesalers experienced in complex quality assurance, logistics, manufacturing and distribution tasks are becoming more and more important contributors to international clinical trials. As a result of the increasing tendency of sponsors and contract research organizations (CROs) to switch from central to local sourcing strategies, we have been given the opportunity to work with an increasing number of international companies within the realm of international clinical trials as well…

All products bound to be commercialized need to be subjected to rigorous international clinical trials to verify their biological effect, tolerability, safety, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics before their registration is granted by the authorities. Given their complexity, these multi-country international clinical trials are quite expensive hence cost-efficiency has become an important factor in organizing them. As part of their efforts to curb costs as much as possible, sponsors and contract research organizations frequently opt for a local- as opposed to a central sourcing strategy. This means that instead of contracting with one large-scale service provider responsible for all required tasks globally they choose to partner up with multiple local operators to perform such tasks in their own national markets respectively.

Az elmúlt öt évben a PHARMAROAD számos gyógyszergyártó, forgalomba hozatali engedély jogosult és klinikai kutatásfejlesztő minősített beszállítójává vált.  Kollégáink széleskörű ismeretekkel rendelkeznek a klinikai vizsgálati termékbeszerzés és logisztikai folyamatok szervezése és dokumentálása területén és minden évben megújítják a Helyes Klinikai Gyakorlat (GCP) irányelveiről szóló ismereteiket.  A vállalat telephelyi infrastruktúrájának kialakításakor is figyelembe lettek véve a vizsgálati kiszolgálás igényei beleértve a potenciális gyártási feladatokat is, mint például a vizsgálati készítmények címkézése vagy másodlagos csomagolásuk bármely formájú manipulációja.

Our expertise within the realm of clinical trial supply include the following services:

  • Importation and administration of investigational medicinal products;
  • Storage of investigational medicinal products;
  • Distribution of investigational medicinal products to investigator sites;
  • Procurement, storage and distribution to investigator sites of all related product categories (comparators, rescue medicine, ancillary products, etc.);
  • Manufacturing services (labelling, repacking, any forms of manipulation regarding the primary and secondary packaging, etc.);
  • Administration of all aspects of clinical trial supply services (procurement, importation, storage, transportation, distribution, reporting, return, destruction, etc.) on a project basis supported by dedicated personnel with GCP and other certifications.

We are constantly looking for talented individuals interested in joining our company

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