Pharmaroad Zrt.

Logistics Services


Mr. Ferenc REINER

…the team providing the logistic and quality support to our warehousing operations consists of 60-65 people well versed in all aspects of pharmaceutical wholesaling activities including the proper execution of goods-in procedures, FMD requirements for verification or decommissioning, the release of goods to saleable stock, picking and packing, distribution, return handling, complaints processing, recall administration or product destruction…

Should any business organization intend to enter local or regional markets – or remain competitive once its presence is already established – it is of paramount importance to find a reliable logistics service provider whose facilities as well as personnel are well suited for pharmaceutical wholesaling activities. Larger – typically multinational companies – tend to establish their own logistics facilities locally while others outsource such services and use specialized operators in the field. The latter might prove to be a quicker and more cost-efficient solution as the advantages of contracting with a local professional logistics operator include specialized facilities and staff with specific expertise and also offers a network of well-established relationships with all relevant market participants including regulatory authorities, other wholesalers, pharmacies or healthcare institutions.

A PHARMAROAD számos a magyarországi piacon aktív forgalomba hozatali engedély jogosult számára nyújt komplex logisztikai szolgáltatásokat. Budapesti telephelyén, 2300 négyzetméteren biztosítja partnerei számára a logisztikai feladatok szakszerű ellátását.  Telephelyi adottságai, illetve hatósági engedélyei lehetővé teszik a lehető legszélesebb termékpaletta (beleérve a K1 és K2 besorolású kábítószereket és P2 illetve P4 besorolású pszichotrop készítményeket) három hőmérsékleti tartományban (2-8 C / 8-15 C / 15-25 C) történő kezelését. A vállalat belistázott termékállománya 8464 készítményre terjed ki mely éves szinten megközelítőleg 12 millió doboz értékesítését eredményezi.  A vállalat által ellátott kb. 400 patikából, egészségügyi intézményből és más nagykereskedőkből álló partnerállomány szállítmányozási igényeit egy a nemzetközi jogszabályi követelményeknek maximálisan megfelelő járműpark biztosítja.

The team at our company providing the logistic and quality support to the warehousing operations consists of 60-65 people well versed in all aspects of pharmaceutical wholesaling including the proper execution of goods-in procedures, FMD requirements for verification or decommissioning, the release of goods to saleable stock, picking and packing, distribution, return handling, complaints processing, recall administration or product destruction among many other areas. Our warehousing management system facilitates the processing of more than 600 daily orders that on average account for 50 000 units being handpicked and packed by our colleagues. As per the regulatory requirements, our system is also connected to the national data repository of the European Medicines Verification System (EMVS) allowing all mandatory transactions to be executed as prescribed by the Falsified Medicines Directive and Delegated Regulation.

Our expertise within the realm of logistics support include the following services:

  • Full scale logistics services (transportation, storage, distribution, quality system management, etc.) according to the applying regulatory standards (GMP, GDP, GCP, etc.);
  • Assistance in the application for and acquisition of a Wholesaler Distribution Authorization in Hungary;
  • Storage and distribution of products in three temperature ranges (2-8 C / 8-15 C / 15-25 C);
  • Storage and distribution of psychotropic and narcotic products;
  • Expertise in executing all related transactions (verification, decommissioning, alert handling and management, etc.) within the framework of the Falsified Medicines Directive and Delegated Regulation;
  • Handling and administration of incoming international consignments including all relevant quantitative and qualitative checks, FMD related procedures, release to saleable stock and complaint management;
  • Management and processing of purchase orders in high volumes;
  • Country-wide distribution of products in GDP certified, temperature controlled vehicles.

We are constantly looking for talented individuals interested in joining our company

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